wechat: math-box



program main
!--------------------------------------program comment
!   Version   :  V1.0    
!   Author    :  song.yz 
!   Created   :  2018-03-15 18:07:35   
!   Changes   :
!            *.             
!   Notes     : 
!            *.
      implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
      real*8 i, m, pos(3),vel(3)
      pi= 3.141592653589793238462643d0 
      emu = 3.98600441500000D+14

        if (ioend /= 0)  exit
        i= i*pi/180d0
        capom =capom*pi/180d0
        omeg =omeg*pi/180d0
        !capom =capom*pi/180d0
        m = m*pi/180
        !call kepcar(a, ec, i, omeg, capom, m, emu, r, v)
        call orb2xyz(a,ec,i,capom,omeg,M,pos,vel)
        call xyz2orb(pos,vel,a,ec,i,capom,omeg,M)
        write(12,'(I5,6F22.8)') isat,pos,vel
        write(13,'(I5,6F22.8)') isat, a,ec,i*180/pi,capom*180/pi,omeg*180/pi,M*180/pi
      end do
end program  main

subroutine  orb2xyz(a,ecc,inc,node,perigee,M,pos,vel)
! Purpose :  2022-5-7 12:46         
!         kepler根数转位置速度
! Input  Parameters :
!      a  ---单位:米
!      inc ,node,perigee,M ---- 单位:弧度
!      ecc 
! Output Parameters :
!      pos(3) ----- 单位 :米
!      vel(3) ----  单位 : 米/秒
! Author       : Song Yezhi      
! Copyrigt (C) : Chinese Academy of Sciences               
!                All rights reserved,  2022
implicit none

real*8 ,Parameter :: GM = 3.9860044d14

real*8        ::a,ecc,inc,node,perigee,M,pos(3),vel(3)
real*8        :: P(3),Q(3)

real*8        :: E0,E   ,r 
integer       :: k 

P(1) = dcos(perigee)*dcos(node) - dsin(perigee)*dcos(inc)* dsin(node)
P(2) = dcos(perigee)*dsin(node) + dsin(perigee)*dcos(inc)* dcos(node)
P(3) = dsin(perigee)*dsin(inc)

Q(1) = -dsin(perigee)*dcos(node) - dcos(perigee) * dcos(inc) *dsin(node)
Q(2) = -dsin(perigee)*dsin(node) + dcos(perigee) * dcos(inc) *dcos(node)
Q(3) = dcos(perigee) *dsin(inc)

E0 = M 

do  k = 1, 30

    E = E0 - ( E0-ecc*dsin(E0) -M)/(1d0 - ecc*dcos(E0 ))
    if (dabs(E0-E ) <1d-9) exit 

    E0 = E  

end do 

pos = a*(dcos(E)-ecc) * P  + a*dsqrt(1d0-ecc*ecc) *dsin(E) *Q

r = dsqrt(pos(1)*pos(1)+pos(2)*pos(2)+pos(3)*pos(3))

vel = dsqrt(GM * a) / r *(-dsin(E)*P + dsqrt(1d0 -ecc*ecc)*dcos(E)*Q)

end subroutine  orb2xyz

subroutine  xyz2orb(pos,vel,a,ecc,inc,node,perigee,M)
! Purpose :  2022-5-7 13:31         
!         from position and velocity to kepler elements
! Input  Parameters :
!     pos(3)
!     vel(3)   单位  米/秒
! Output Parameters :
!     a,inc,node,perigee,M     ---单位:弧度
!     ecc
! Author       : Song Yezhi      
! Copyrigt (C) : Chinese Academy of Sciences               
!                All rights reserved,  2022
implicit none

real*8 ,Parameter :: GM = 3.9860044d14

real*8        ::a,ecc,inc,node,perigee,M,pos(3),vel(3)

real*8        :: h(3) ,r,h2,p ,n, W(3),v2
real*8        :: u,miu ,E

h(1) = pos(2)*vel(3)  - pos(3)*vel(2)
h(2) = pos(3)*vel(1)  - pos(1)*vel(3)
h(3) = pos(1)*vel(2)  - pos(2)*vel(1)

h2 = h(1)*h(1) + h(2)*h(2) +h(3)*h(3)
W = h/dsqrt(h2)

inc = datan(dsqrt(h(1)*h(1)+h(2)*h(2))/h(3))

node = datan2(W(1),-W(2))

r  = dsqrt(pos(1)*pos(1)+pos(2)*pos(2)+pos(3)*pos(3))
v2 = vel(1)*vel(1) + vel(2)*vel(2) + vel(3)*vel(3)

a = 1d0/ (2d0/r - v2/GM )

p  = h2 /GM

ecc = dsqrt(1d0 - p/a)

n = dsqrt(GM/a**3)

E =datan2( (pos(1)*vel(1)+pos(2)*vel(2)+pos(3)*vel(3))/(a*a*n), 1d0 - r/a  )

M = E - ecc *dsin(E)

u = datan2(pos(3),-pos(1)*W(2)+pos(2)*W(1))

miu  = datan2(dsqrt(1d0-ecc*ecc)*dsin(E),dcos(E)-ecc)

perigee = u -miu 

!--------nominate the  angles to 0-2pi

call ANP(inc,inc)
call ANP(node,node)
call ANP(perigee,perigee)
call ANP(M,M)

end subroutine  xyz2orb

subroutine ANP(A,nominalA)
! Purpose :  2022-6-7 14:21         
!  Normalize angle into the range 0 <= A < 2pi.
!  Given:
!     A          d       angle (radians)
!  Returned:
!     ANP    d       angle in range 0-2pi
! Author       : Song Yezhi      
! Copyrigt (C) : Chinese Academy of Sciences               
!                All rights reserved,  2022
implicit none

real*8     :: A,nominalA

real*8,parameter    :: D2PI = 6.283185307179586476925287D0

nominalA = MOD(A,D2PI)
IF ( nominalA .LT. 0D0 ) nominalA = nominalA + D2PI

end subroutine  ANP

    1 27878137.00000000        0.01000000       55.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
    2 27878137.00000000        0.01000000       55.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000       45.00000000
    3 27878137.00000000        0.01000000       55.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000       90.00000000
    4 27878137.00000000        0.01000000       55.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000      135.00000000
    5 27878137.00000000        0.01000000       55.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000      180.00000000
    6 27878137.00000000        0.01000000       55.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000      225.00000000
    7 27878137.00000000        0.01000000       55.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000      270.00000000	
    1     27599355.63000000            0.00000000            0.00000000            0.00000000         2190.64197349         3128.56096793
    2     19293159.92175293     11386470.67590320     16261565.39961870        -2711.76808091         1533.33301912         2189.82649493
    3      -557544.15680526     15988643.55490426     22834149.42344667        -3780.69703245          -21.68374166          -30.96759243
    4    -20129522.61494722     11226581.57732551     16033220.10218516        -2636.14784164        -1533.33880196        -2189.83475367
    5    -28156918.37000000            0.00000000            0.00000000            0.00000000        -2147.26292451        -3066.60926559
    6    -20129522.61494722    -11226581.57732551    -16033220.10218516         2636.14784164        -1533.33880196        -2189.83475367
    7      -557544.15680527    -15988643.55490426    -22834149.42344667         3780.69703245          -21.68374166          -30.96759243